Special Committee on State-Tribal Relations (RL 2009-04) - A 167; S 152
Special Committee on Strengthening Wisconsin Families (RL 2009-05)
 - A 347; S 261
Special Committee on Strengthening Wisconsin Families (RL 2009-013)
 - A 881; S 760
legislative fiscal bureau Legislative Fiscal Bureau
Annual Fiscal Report (prepared by DOA per s. 16.40 (3), Wis.Stats)
 - S 875
legislative reference bureau Legislative Reference Bureau
Rules published - A 13, 50, 96, 123, 148, 208, 331, 346, 358, 423, 498, 534, 563, 635, 724, 772, 973, 989, 995, 999, 1006, 1013, 1015, 1019
Rules published - S 18, 53, 93, 116, 151, 189, 235, 255, 271, 345, 403, 429, 461, 544, 614, 784, 811, 834, 840, 854, 866, 877, 892, 913
medical college of wisconsin Medical College of Wisconsin
Biennial report per s. 13.106, Wis.Stats - A 453; S 389
Breast and Prostate Cancer Research Program annual report
 - A 16, 1035; S 19, 465, 913
Breast Cancer Research Program annual report - A 563
Family Medicine Biennial Report per s. 13.106 (3), Wis.Stats
 - A 1017; S 868
milwaukee ombudsman for child welfare, office of Milwaukee Ombudsman for Child Welfare, Office of
Annual Report - S 786
milwaukee public schools Milwaukee Public Schools
High/Scope All Day Five-Year-Old Kindergarten Program and High/Scope First Grade Program per ss. 119.71, 119.73, and 119.75, Wis.Stats
 - S 49
Intradistrict students bused under the Chapter 220 designation per s. 121.87, Wis.Stats - A 175, 978; S 160, 792
national multiple sclerosis society, wisconsin chapter National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Wisconsin Chapter
Multiple Sclerosis Programs Check-off: report per s. 71.10 (5m)(L), Wis.Stats - S 465
natural resources, department of Natural Resources, Department of
Aquatic invasive species summary report - S 219
Authorities to protect wildlife and the environment from adverse impacts of wind energy development: report per s. 23.39, Wis.Stats
 - A 1019; S 880
EIF (Environmental Improvement Fund) Biennial Finance Plan per s. 281.59 (3)(bm), Wis.Stats - A 99, 345, 1013; S 95, 252, 864
Environmental Compliance Audit Program Annual Report per s. 299.85 (9m), Wis.Stats - A 210
Green Tier Biennial Progress Report per s. 299.83 (8)(h), Wis.Stats
 - A 355, 1035; S 260, 913
Groundwater Coordinating Council Report to the Legislature
 - A 359, 1006; S 275, 855
Report per s. 23.0916 (6), Wis.Stats - A 1019; S 880
Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) environmental cleanup process status per s. 292.25, Wis.Stats - A 47; S 48
Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act report per s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats
 - A 372, 1011; S 309, 863
public instruction, department of Public Instruction, Department of
AODA prevention and intervention programs: evaluation of their effectiveness per s. 115.361 (2), Wis.Stats - A 15, 1035; S 11
Bilingual-bicultural education programs: status of per s. 115.996, Wis.Stats
 - A 272, 1034; S 907
Preschool-to-Grade-5 Program annual report per s. 115.45 (6)(b) and (c), Wis.Stats - A 103, 716; S 102, 610
public service commission Public Service Commission
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Resource Program Activities in Wisconsin, July 2007-December 2008 - A 1015; S 867
Environmental assessment per s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats
 - A 366, 1011; S 276, 863
Focus on Energy program: equitably allocating costs among energy utility customers per s. 196.374 (5)(bm)1., Wis.Stats - A 16; S 23
regulation and licensing, department of Regulation and Licensing, Department of
Controlled Substances Board annual report per s. 961.36 (3), Wis.Stats
 - A 29, 538; S 438
revenue, department of Revenue, Department of
Lottery operations impact per s. 25.75 (3)(b), Wis.Stats - A 557; S 464
Lottery quarterly report per s. 565.37 (3), Wis.Stats
 - A 56, 148, 376, 525, 623, 974, 1013, 1034
Lottery quarterly report per s. 565.37 (3), Wis.Stats
 - S 65, 141, 425, 520, 786, 892
senate committee on agriculture and higher education Senate Committee on Agriculture and Higher Education
Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) application fees for Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO): recommendations per 2009 WisAct 28, sec. 91.37 (2)(i) - S 834
southeast wisconsin professional baseball park district Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District
Financial statement and independent auditor's report
 - A 329, 993; S 222, 829
Sales Tax Sunset Date Projection - A 993; S 829
State Courts, Director of, see Supreme Court
state employment relations, office of State Employment Relations, Office of
W-2 Hiring Report - A 436, 1033; S 362
supreme court Supreme Court
State Courts, Director of: county reports per ss. 758.19 (5)(e) and 758.19 (6)(d), Wis.Stats - A 420, 629, 645, 1018; S 351, 539, 556, 868
tax appeal commission Tax Appeal Commission
Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats - A 517; S 416
technical college system Technical College System
High school students attending technical colleges: annual report per s. 38.04 (21), Wis.Stats - A 99, 695; S 587
Sexual assault and harassment orientation, materials, and information provided to students per s. 38.12 (11)(c), Wis.Stats - A 29, 623; S 27, 535
transportation, department of Transportation, Department of
Local Roads Improvement Program (LRIP) Biennial Summary Report per Admin. Rule Trans 206.03 (15)(f) - A 175; S 163
Photos released by DOT to law enforcement agencies per s. 343.237 (9), Wis.Stats - S 267
Pretrial Intoxicated Driver Intervention Grant Program evaluation report per s. 85.53 (4), Wis.Stats - A 990; S 824
Truck size and weight limit laws study per 2007 WisAct 20 - A 16; S 20
Truck Size and Weight Study: final report - A 354
Weight report for AB-778 per s. 13.096, Wis.Stats - S 713
Weight report for SB-531 per s. 13.096, Wis.Stats - S 654
u.s. department of agriculture, rural development U.S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Development
USDA Rural Development Wisconsin Annual Report - S 159
university of wisconsin _ parkside University of Wisconsin - Parkside
21st Century Charter School report - A 622; S 470
university of wisconsin hospital and clinics University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics
Report on patient care, education, research, community service activities, and audited financial statement per s. 233.04 (1), Wis.Stats
 - A 420, 1018; S 346, 868
university of wisconsin system University of Wisconsin System
Report required per s. 36.55, Wis.Stats [employment harassment and discrimination claims] - A 1010; S 862
Sexual assault and harassment: dissemination of information to students per s. 36.11 (22)(b), Wis.Stats - A 335; S 308
Tuition and fee revenue appropriation - A 15, 540; S 11, 446
Wisconsin Environmental Policy Act activities per s. 1.11 (2)(j), Wis.Stats
 - A 376, 1010; S 310, 861
veterans affairs, department of Veterans Affairs, Department of
Biennial report per s. 45.35 (3d)(b), Wis.Stats - A 418, 982; S 341, 816
Depleted Uranium Study Committee: compliance letter per 2007 WisAct 46
 - S 907
veterans programs, wisconsin council on Veterans Programs, Wisconsin Council on
Biennial report per s. 45.35 (3d)(b), Wis.Stats
 - A 418, 524, 982; S 341, 816
wisconsin council on children and familes Wisconsin Council on Children and Familes
Job Count: Helping Wisconsin Families Thrive through New Opportunities
 - S 528
KIDSCOUNT Data Book, State Profiles in Child Well-Being - S 848
wisconsin hospital association Wisconsin Hospital Association
Community benefits survey - S 873
Guide to Wisconsin Hospitals per s. 153.22, Wis.Stats
 - A 526, 776; S 425, 661